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Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat Spots

If you are looking for a safe spot to take your tiny ones, consider going to one of the local malls. Here are a few suggestions:

Southtowne Mall:
Trick or Treating at South Towne Center, Monday October 31st from 4:00pm - 6:00pm.
Children under 12 come dressed in your favorite costume!
Bring a treat bag for free goodies!
Come join the fun!

Prove Towne Center:
Halloween Kids Fest
10/31/2011 - 10/31/2011
Join us to celebrate Halloween!
Kids ages 2-12 are invited to come in costume with their parents and enjoy free family-friendly activities including make & take crafts, face painting, prizes and more!
Then be part of the celebration with trick-or-treating from 5pm-8pm in the mall for all to enjoy!
LOCATION: Food Court Rotunda
TIME: 2pm-6pm

University Mall
Mall Trick or Treating
Monday, Oct. 31, 5 PM-7 PM
No masks allowed over the age of 11.

Happy Halloween!

The staff at Utah Comsumer and Cohezion would like to wish you a happy, and safe Halloween. And if you're up to it, follow the link to Fashion Place Mall (personally, my favorite mall in the valley since the new renovations began). They are currently running a cool Halloween promotion, the Haunted House of Savings. You could win a 1,000 grand prize mall gift card, or even a 10 or 25 dollar Shop Etc. Mall Gift Card. It's an instant win game. Just follow the link, fill in your email address and click enter to begin. Fill out your contact information in case you win. You'll then be directed to a simple but fun game you can play straight from your computer. You'd be crazy not to! Who doesn't want free money for the mall?!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ski Season is Upon Us!

If you live in Utah (and hopefully, we all do ;) it's time to break out the trusty skis and snowboards. The slopes await. Brighton is one of our favorite options, as it offers many different possibilities for different lifestyles. Kid, seniors adult, day, night, all ages and abilities. Coupon books, season passes, daily lift tickets, and group sales are all available.
Our favorite Brighton perk, though, is the perfectly easy gift: Print from home tickets. You save money, and you can do it straight from your desk.

Skiing is one of Utah's great enduring traditions. Get started early, and don't miss out on Brighton's deals.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Consign, Design, Refine....

By Audrey Rock
Cohezion Communications

A couple of years ago, my mom started talking about a consignment shop that she was just completely in love with. And when I started visiting my childhood home more often, it started to come up regularly. "Let's go look at the Finer Consigner." So, finally, I went with her. And it wasn't what I expected. It was nice. Very nice. Beautiful furniture, antiques, and art, lovingly grouped together in homey displays. Prices are excellent, and everything is in great shape. There are even seasonal displays for Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. So it ranges from kitchen furniture to movie posters to decorative holiday pieces.
And there is something that I think, (even though she hasn't yet recognized it), part of the appeal of The Finer Consigner is an element of suspense: "has that library chair I was in love with sold yet?" Or maybe, has it even gone down in price? (Which happens from time to time if a particular piece hasn't sold quickly enough.)
I have purchased from the Finer Consigner, but never consigned anything. To learn more about that, visit their website at Their website features new arrivals, artwork, instructions on how to consign, and a photo gallery.
7817 South Highland Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • 801.453.9888
285 E. State Street, Pleasant Grove, UT, 84062 • 801.701.0603

Friday, October 21, 2011

Peace Through Food

By Audrey Rock
Cohezion Communications

It might be considered something of a sacrilege to post this after my lazy-mom Pizza Hut shout-out.  After all, raw-foods purists are serious about making a difference in the way they live, they way they eat, the way they treat the environment, and even about the way they treat people around them.  That's probably why chef/owner of Omar's Rawtopia, Omar Abou-Ismail, serves all his dishes "with love."  Seriously.  It's on the menu.  Take, for example, his Creme de Broccoli, as listed:
Creme de Broccoli ... $8
A creamy seasoned broccoli almond soup, topped with onions,
bell peppers, avocado, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, sprinkled
with Rawtopia's seed cheese,
and love.

Awww.  How can you resist it?  I couldn't.  So when somebody I love became a raw foods/vegan/organic devotee for 100 days, it was my right, responsibility, and privilege to accompany him to dinner at Utah's only raw food bar in Utah.  And I'll tell you a secret:  it was delicious.  And filling.  Abou-Ismail's dishes are fresh, yes, and raw, entirely.  But he manages to make everything he serves completely palatable and filling. We dined on Asian Salad, hummus pizza, chocolate fruit-creme pie, and a green fruit smoothie with I-don't-know-what in it, but it was divine.   As a raw-foods virgin (er--not sure how else to put it--) I fully expected to leave hungry and unsatisfied.  But somehow, between the avocados, nuts, sprouts, fruits, love and other delicious stuff, I found myself completely satiated. 
The place has it's own earthy charm.  Housed in a humble little sliver of old building in Sugarhouse and populated with nature books and ads for yoga lessons, it's just....nice.  Our server could not have been sweeter, or more knowledgeable, about raw foods and the dishes.  This was an educational, pleasant, and enlightening experience. And yes--I did truly begin to question the way I eat, think, and live.  
Therefore, I give my full endorsement.  I will be back to visit Omar and enjoy his delectable little slice of purity in the middle of Sugarhouse.  :)
2148 Highland Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Phone: 801-486-0332
Mon-Thurs Noon-8pm
Fri-Sat Noon-9pm
Closed Sundays

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Abode is the Place for Funky and Fun!

Looking for the perfect accent to finish off your vintage, eclectic or simply creative décor? Abode pfm (paris flea market) should be at the top of your list. It is the kind of place you’ll want to visit on a regular basis. Why? Because that one of a kind thing you’re looking for could walk through the door at any moment. You’ll know it when you see it! This place is filled with quirky little “gotta have its.” Want ear rings made from vintage type writer keys? Check. Vintage cake stand? Check. How about a Formica table with vinyl covered chairs circa 1968? Well, they go out the door as fast as they come in. Maybe you’re looking for a solid wood dresser , toy box, or telephone stand you can paint some funky color? This great little store has got you and the paint job already covered!

Abode is a consignment shop owned and operated by sisters Miriam and Shireen and you will never meet two nicer people. The store is literally packed with unique items you simply cannot find anywhere else, or even any time else. So come early and come often. We recommend dropping by on Saturdays so you can meet Miriam passing out her special brand of enthusiasm for anything funky and fun.

Visit them at 1720 S. 900 E.
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
(801) 486-2633

Business Hours
Tuesday-Friday 11am to 7 pm
Saturday 11am to 6 pm
Closed Sunday and Monday

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

$10 Pizza Plus Hungry Kids = One Happy Family!

By Audrey Rock
Cohezion Communications

Bless you, Pizza Hut.  Just when I thought I couldn't make another dinner.  Just when I thought I didn't care whether or not we had a bowl of Lucky Charms before come through with your $10, any pizza, any toppings, any size, any time, delivery or pickup.  NATIONWIDE, all the time, people.  So, when you're bogged down with dance lessons, soccer practice, PTA meetings, grocery shopping, careers, and the upcoming holidays, this is the perfect solution.  You can order online, pickup, or call.  It doesn't get any easier or any cheaper.  And I admit it:  I've taken advantage of this neat little deal.  More often than I care to admit.
Nonetheless, we salute you, Pizza Hut, for making yummy pizza accessible in a depressing economy.  :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Get Connected with Instant Deals on

By Audrey Rock
Cohezion Communications

If you own a smartphone, you already have a world of consumer possibilities in the palm of your hand.  If you visit and sign up through an excessively simple registration process, you'll be set up to see the closest surrounding businesses based on the location of your phone.  Checking in to a business is literally a matter of just a click of a button.  And many of those businesses have set up specials or discounts exclusively for foursquare customers.  Just show your foursquare "check-in" to that business, and you'll receive whatever special offer they are promoting via foursquare.  In fact, I personally use this app all the time, and I've been surprised at some of the offers.  Over the weekend, I checked in at Southtowne Mall and found that Hot Dog on a Stick was offering a free lemonade just for checking in via Foursquare.  At local FYE's, a recent offer gets you 20% any horror movie, just for a Foursquare checkin.  Virtually any Jiffy Lube location in Utah will have a foursquare offer for valuable savings on a Signature Service Oil Change, just for having checked in via Foursquare. Not all businesses have specials.  But if you're wondering which restaurant to go to on a weekend, just login to foursquare and see which ones might be offering a special going near you.
Another benefit to Foursquare is keeping up with your friends.  Seeing where they might be checked in can be a great way to keep in touch socially.  On a side note, it's interesting to be able to track your own consumer patterns and habits.  (I've been to a few too many burger joints recently, and I don't mind Foursquare highlighting it.  It's good to be reminded.)  As advertisers, we love Foursquare and use it religiously.  :)  As consumers, I personally love it and use it religiously.  It's a win-win.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Anastasia's Attic

A Real-Life Fairyland in West Jordan 
By Audrey Rock
Cohezion Communications

You know you're in for something magical before you enter the door:  A whimsical warning sign says that badly behaved children in the store will be fed to the dragon in the dungeon.  And when you do open the door, a scent of powders, flowers, perfumes, and musty antiquity immediately puts you in a relaxed mood.  That's not to mention the always-playing celtic harp music in the background. The boutique, called Anastasia's Attic, and run by real-life fairy-of-a-lady Tara Starling, is truly phenomenal.  Starling herself can often be seen at the store, her astounding head of thick, blonde hair brushing in and out of rooms, and sometimes lightly stamping fairy dust on wide-eyed little girls.  If you are a lover of the mystical, the artistic, the victorian, the sweet, the religious, or anything just good--you will first love, and then become addicted to, this store.  It's housed in the cluster of historic cabins at Gardner Village in Midvale, and it's filled with bronze fairies, old-fashioned books, marble slates with inspiring quotes, seasonal decorations, lacy dresses, tea sets, stunning victorian jewelry, and calligraphy sets.
There's your introduction.  Now here's my editorializing.  I.  Love. This. Place.
I have 4 sisters and a mother, all of whom live and die for the lovely, the old-fashioned, the inspiring.  So we have all become such loyal customers, that (and I'm not exaggerating here) we all do our shopping for each other, each birthday, each Christmas, at Anastasia's Attic.  Because you just can't go wrong.  But my favorite part about Anastasia's Attic is their new VIP club.  Yes, I've joined.  Because I can always use another excuse to go transport myself into retail heaven at Anastasia's.
The VIP Club pays for itself instantly.  As a member, you receive an $80.00 gift card, 20% off all regularly priced purchases, a free greenleaf sachet every month (a $35.00 value), Invitation to quarterly exclusive VIP nights with music and refreshments (plus, 5 friends can use your VIP discount those nights).  The membership costs 79.95, and as you receive your 80.00 gift certificate, 20% off, and free sachet right off the bat, it's simply foolish NOT to purchase a VIP membership.
With the holidays around the corner, it's a great time to shop one of Utah's most beautiful and unique boutiques, and to buy a VIP membership to make those purchases even more sweet.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Do Fuel Additives Make a Difference?

By Shawn Stoyle
Cohezion Communications

Many drivers swear by it.  But there are skeptics, and they've got a few things to say about it. says fuels additives flat-out WON'T improve performance and/or gas mileage.  Their argument is that it's extra money wasted, and it's simply not necessary.  Head on over to the link at

to read more about their argument, and to find a list of additives they do believe are worthwhile and beneficial.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gardner Historic Village/WitchFest 2011

By Kathy Hawkins
Cohezion Communications

West Jordan's Gardner Historic Village is tucked away in a little-known spot on 7800 south.  But it's home to some of the most unique and charming shops in Utah.  Housed in a cluster of historic cabins, you can find an array of eclectic shopping options--a children's bookstore, an old fashioned candy-shop, an all-victorian style boutique, and a Christmas store.
Best of all, Gardner Village celebrates the holidays with style.  Their annual tradition, Witchfest, is currently running.  Aside from their whimsical witch display, there is also a WitchAPalooza music dinner show, Breakfast with a Witch, and Witches Night Out (Friday and Saturday Oct 14th and 15th).
For more information, visit the link below:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

SKI Magazine Ranks Park City Resort Number One!

PARK CITY — SKI Magazine named Park City Mountain Resort the No. 1 "Family Vacation" spot in the nation with a nod by the publication's editors.
It also was named the No. 6 resort in North America by the magazine.
"We are honored to receive such a prestigious award as we focus on creating an incredible mountain experience for all of our guests, including families," said Jenni Smith, president and general manager of the Park City Mountain Resort.
A press release said the resort has spent the last several years developing family-friendly programs, such as launching, an online resource for families planning winter vacations. Attractions at the resort include Adventure Alleys, Alpine Coaster and the new Flying Eagle Zip Line.
The resort was also the first in North America to guarantee a maximum class size of five children or less in its Kids Signature 5 Program for skiers and snowboarders ages 6 to 14 every day of the season.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Signing Time :)

By Audrey Rock
and Kathy Hawkins
Cohezion Communications

If you have children, you've undoubtedly seen the ubiquitous Signing Time videos around town.  But were you aware that the international phenomenon that teaches children of all abilities American Sign Language is actually based in Utah?  Signing Time is produced, filmed, directed, and distributed from the Midvale location of "Two Little Hands Productions".  The shows have received numerous awards, including Emmy and Telly Awards, as well as the prestigious Parents' Choice.
Rachel De Azevedo is the dynamic host of the program, which uses music as a tool to teach ASL to children of all abilities.  In fact, 90% of Signing Time consumers are hearing children.  Sign Language can be used with small children for communication before they are even able to verbally communicated.
Two Little Hands is owned by the prestigious musician/composer/producer Lex De Azevedo.  He was a musical director for the Jackson 5, The Osmonds, The Sonny and Cher Show, and Michael Jackson.  he has composed scores for Hollywood productions including The Red Fern and the Swan Princess, for which he was nominated for a Golden Globe for his song "Far Longer than Forever."  He has also produced albums for Capitol Records.  For more information or to purchase any of the Signing Time series of DVD's visit

Monday, October 10, 2011

Current Associated Foods Sales Prices, Oct. 10th-15th.

For your convenience and savings, here is a link to Associated Foods "Early Ad" Stores discounted pricing.  This includes a range from fresh produce to cereals and granola bars to frozen foods to dairy products.  There is also a grouping system (by star) that let's you know which coupons are printable.  This weeks best deals (the ones you definitely shouldn't miss!) include avocados, a 25 lb bag of onions, 12-16 oz Farmland Sausage, 20 pack Coca Cola products, 2 Liter sizes of Pepsi Max, Langers Frozen Juice, Dove Antiperspirant and Deodorant, select Lysol cleaners, Western Family Batteries in a 24 pack, Fiber One Bars, Gardettos Snacks, General Mills Cereals, Pillsbury Danish or Cinnamon Rolls, Progresso Soups, and Yoplait Yogurt and Go-Gurt.  The link below breaks down specific prices, but don't forget--these prices are only officially valid October 10-15th.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Utah's Best Deals

By Kathy Hawkins
Cohezion Communications

The Grocery Guru is available through Utah's two leading newspapers, the Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune.  With your subscription to the paper, you have access to meal plans and incredible up-to-date sales and pricing on groceries at local stores.  He helps save you up to 70% on your weekly grocery bills.  Did you know you can feed a family of four for under $40.00 a week with the right discounts?  In addition, the Grocery Guru has a free page devoted entirely to the week's best deals, from restaurants to department stores.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

McDonald's Monopoly is back!

And now, you don't have to have a purchase to be able to play.  Just go to the link at for instructions on how to get your playing pieces and play online.  Online prizes include a Nissan, Beaches vacations, gas cards, and Redbox rentals.  Also, if you're looking for fun games and entertainment for your kids, the legendary Happy Meal has it's own site complete with videos, personalized sites, and games:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Utah Jiffy Lube Offers

Utah drivers need to be ready for any weather situation--including the winter storms ahead.  That's why Utah Jiffy Lubes offer exclusive discounts for their customers.  Utahans can use their existing Foursquare account, go to, or visit for valuable savings on critical upkeep and maintenance for your car.  The results are proven--the more preventive maintenance you keep on your car, the longer--and the safer--it will drive for you and your family.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Utah Family Time: The Living Planet Aquarium

It's hard to imagine that the Living Planet Aquarium, located at 725 E. 10600 S. in Sandy, used to house a craft store.  The building now is home to a stunning array of aquatic life, and a chance for Utah families to get a sneak peak at what lurks beneath.  Highlights include the giant circular shark tank, a rescued Green Sea Turtle, a sting ray petting pond, and a lively Gentoo Penguin exhibit.  In addition to regular visits, the aquarium also sponsors birthday parties, offers memberships, and hosts live "penguin encounters" for additional fees. Check out the site's "Penguin Cam" (
to see what the penguins are up to.
For more information, hours, and ticket prices, visit