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Friday, November 4, 2011

Dreaming of Home-Cooked Dinners....

There is no time to cook in my life.  I have a full time job.  I have harp lessons, I have screenplay readings, I have doctor appointments, my kids have extracurricular lessons, and I have a vibrant social life.   I cannot cook, I cannot plan, I have two ravenously hungry little ones and a lonely chihuahua at home.  Enter DREAM DINNERS.  The caps are not a typo.  It is me shouting:  DREAM DINNERS!!!  
Here's how it works:  Sign up for a 2-hour session, in which you will assemble everything you need for 12 home-cooked meals.  Read that again:  h-o-m-e--c-o-o-k-e-d.  No franken-nuggets, no cheap toys clacking around in the back seat as you bus children around, no orange tongues stained from whatever horrible punch they give your kids in those oh-so-convenient fast food kid meals.  Sorry, got off-track there for a minute.  So you get a two hour session, everything you need for 12 meals, to be kept in the freezer for later convenience.  No prep, no clean-up.  Leave the mess there.  It.  Is.  AWESOME.
Jean and Danielle are the owners of the Orem Dream Dinner location.  They also have a cooking website called What's Cooking Orem (
And, if you're not convinced yet, here's a video of them explaining what this silliness is all about:
They're adorable, no?  So, if you have a life, kids, appointments, something resembling a schedule--this will be your salvation.
P.S.  If anybody wants to make the pilgrimage to Orem anytime soon to do this, call me.  I'm serious.


Timmy said...

Amazing food, good prices, and such little effort.

Lauralyne said...

It is all true! :)

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