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Friday, December 2, 2011 for kitschy Christmas gifts

The current incarnation of has only been around since June.  But this style and design retail site is hands down the coolest on the web.  You simply won't believe some of the crazy and fun gift items you can find here.  Most of them are not terribly useful, but incredibly hip.  
One product, announced this morning, that I want like nothing else, is the vintage rejuvenated typewriter.  Made by Kasbah Mod, they are beautifully restored, one of a kind, custom painted and artist styled machines.  The most coveted, in my mind, is the 24 kt gold plated "Double Oh-Seven."  Absolutely killer design piece for any writer.  
Visit for details on how to get a free membership to their site and access to their exclusive deals.  Poring through their emails every morning is something I genuinely look forward to.  


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