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Friday, December 30, 2011

Consider a Pet Adoption

The weather is cold, and Utah has so many homeless pets.  If you've been considering adding a furry friend to your household, please first consider visiting Utah's Humane Society for adoption.  When you adopt a pet through the Humane Society of Utah, you're actually helping to save many--through rehabilitation efforts, spaying and neutering surgeries, and food and shelter for cold and hungry animals.  If you're not in a position to adopt, the Humane Society is always happy to take donations for their efforts to eliminate animal suffering.  All animals deserve a comfortable and safe home.  Do your part, however small that may be, in helping.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Holiday Tradition--Ice Skating in Midway

The kids are still out of school, and there are a lot of days to fill with fun.  Midway City Ice Rink has a steep 50% discount currently available through Groupon.  If you are signed up with Groupon, you can buy an outdoor ice skating outing with skate rentals for two--the price is normally $16.00 for this package, but is now being offered for half price at $8.00.  For $14.00, you get four admissions with skate rentals.  The deal is only available for through tomorrow, so visit, or check out more details on the venue at

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Make New Years Plans Now!

Utah has several really fun options for New Years Eve.  So if you haven't made plans to get out and celebrate the start of the new year, it's time!  The clock is already ticking towards 2012!

--Eve is a 3-day festival sponsored by the SLC Downtown Alliance.  Fine arts performances, live music, dance parties, ski and snowboard events, laser shows, art, activities for kids, storytelling, fireworks, DJ's, and film screenings will mark the holiday.  All activities are held in the downtown area.  December 29-31st.

--"An Affair to Remember" at University Park Marriott:  This is an old Hollywood style party--activities include games, films, food and drink, and dancing.  You can also stay overnight at the hotel for a special rate.  The event is held Saturday, Dec. 31, from 9 PM- 1 AM.  480 Wakara Way in Salt Lake City.  Call for more details at 800-228-9290.

--Little America New Years Eve:  This year's theme is Casablanca, with live music, entertainment, gourmet dinner, and more.  Single tickets are available, as well as overnight packages.  Party runs Saturday, December 31, from 8 PM- 1 AM.  Address is 500 S. Main in SLC.  Call for more details at 801-596-5966.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pinterest--the New Social Media Phenomenon

Facebook still reigns supreme as the largest social networking site.  But Pinterest, an alternative method of social networking where member organize and share online images, is gaining traction.  It already has nearly 4 million members, and it's growing.
At Pinterest, you can take, organize, and share online images that you personally find interesting, inspiring, or thought provoking.  You can create boards for your pins on virtually any topic.  The only catch is, you have to be invited to Pinterest.  If you know a "Pinner", they can send you an invite.  Or, you can sign up for an invite on the site.  It can be surprisingly fun to share these images with other Pinners.  Check it out at

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Old Navy: Screaming Deals in the Days Before Christmas!

Old Navy specializes in those all-American basics we all rely on--jeans, tees, outerwear, thermals, gloves, socks, etc.  And now, for only two days, they are offering some unspeakably good deals on winter wear for both outdoors and indoors.  Thursday, December 22nd, through Saturday, December 24th, in-store only, they are offering 60% off wool blend and frost free outerwear, and 5$ thermals for the whole family!  Perfect for Christmas Eve pajamas and underwear for those Christmas break sledding outings with the kids.  
Hop in today and enjoy the savings.  They only last two days!  

Incredible Deal on Snow Tires at! is a sort of Groupon for the Utah area.  Not as expansive, but definitely a good start.  Right now, they have a killer (and timely deal) on new winter or all-season tires at the Wrench-It Center in Salt Lake City.  You pay 99$ for 220$ towards the new set of wheels.  That's a 55% discount, and since safer tires for the snow season aren't always the most fun thing to buy, you at least ought to get a good discount on them.
The Wrench-It Center itself is a great example of a unique concept:  save money by renting a bay and repairing your car yourself.  If you don't have the knowledge, consult a licensed mechanic, or have one of Wrench-It's professional's do the work.  Appointments are recommended.  Call 801-977-7500 to schedule. Address is 1245 South 700 West in Salt Lake City, Ut.
Follow the link below for more info on this deal, and to find more deals on

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Younique Nutrition Helps You Fight the Extra Holiday Pounds...

Audrey Rock
Cohezion Communications

Gina Van Luven
Younique Nutrition
(435) 565-2062
Press Release

For Immediate Release

National Nutrition Expert Offers Fresh Approach to Holiday Weight Loss

December 20, 2011--Salt Lake City, Ut:  
Battle the Holiday Bulge with a 10-day meal plan.  National nutrition expert Gina Van Luven of Younique Nutrition is offering a January teleclass (class by telephone).  In three weekly 1-hour classes, clients get a step-by-step action plan on how to safely remove toxins from their bodies and start fresh.  

Also included are live strategy sessions to ensure participants receive personal attention. Participants will receive a copy of Van Luven’s book, “I’d Rather Scrub Toilets Thank Cook! – Tips to Getting In and Out of the Kitchen Quickly,” with over fifty nutritious, simple, and delicious recipes.

Millions of Americans struggle with added pounds piled on during the holidays.  When they face the challenge of a New Year's weight-loss resolution, they can easily become discouraged.  That's where wellness speaker, author, and coach Van Luven comes in. Her job is to help clients feel better about themselves--physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  It's not just about looks; it's about the whole package. Van Luven says there is also the problem of toxins--the body can store them and create long-term disease.  By removing toxins from the body, not only can you reduce disease risk; you can also kick-start the weight loss process.  

Van Luven's "Battle the Holiday Bulge" teleclass (class via telephone) runs January 9th, 16th, and 21st, in three 1-hour classes.  If you can't attend the live phone classes, there's also an "on-your-own" version, which includes everything in the live class, minus the personalized attention.  All course material is provided, including pre-recorded audio downloads of the 3 sessions.  You can learn more about these classes and Ms. Van Luven at  

Gina Van Luven is a Health Counselor certified with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and Columbia University, and founder of “YOUnique Nutrition”, where she provides education and guidance on wellness to assist people in improving their quality of life.  She uses a “whole person” approach encompassing diet, environment and lifestyle and has well-rounded knowledge of various holistic health practices, natural healing modalities and nutritional theories.  She presents workshops and lectures to a variety of organizations on living a healthy, balanced life.  Please contact her for more information at (435) 565-2062 or visit her website at 


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Valuable restaurant vouchers--good till they're gone! doesn't just update you on news and weather.  They also have a popular "deals" page for local bargain hunters.  My favorite one for today is a Godfather's pizza deal--you can get a $20 voucher for $10.  If you're in the Utah County area, Magleby's Restaurant has a similar deal--20.00 for $40.00 worth of delicious Magleby's dishes.  
These vouchers would make a great last minute gift.  And these coupons are good till they're gone.  Get them while you can.  Follow the link below and sign in to take advantage of the offer:

Remember the Homeless of Salt Lake City

Join the Salt Lake City Mision on Wednesday, December 21, 2012, from 5:30-6:00 PM at Pioneer Park (400 W. and 400 S.)  They will be holding a candlelight vigil and memorial for homeless persons in our state and city.  Poignantly, the date is set as the first official day of winter, and the longest day of the year.  Take a few moments out of your busy holiday schedule and light a candle for the homeless.  

Monday, December 19, 2011

Today Only! 50% Off blanket Throws!

What sounds better during this chilly weather than a luxurious blanket throw?  At World Market, on Monday, December 19th, 2011 only, you can get any throw in the store for 50% off.  All colors, shapes, sizes.  Prints, solids, faux fur, basket weave, damask, etc.  It's all 50% off, for one day only.  Also available online.

Friday, December 16, 2011

30% off at Old Navy Coupon - Can be used multiple times

We just used this coupon at Old Navy. Anyone can use it. It's valid through 21st. The cashier told me it was their most successful coupon ever.

Marvelous Mall Makeup

I have a little tradition, all my own, that I enjoy indulging in every holiday season.  I let myself go ahead and buy some mall makeup.  Because during the holiday season, several of the major beauty vendors offer gift sets, at an exceptional price with purchase.  It's practically enough makeup to last you a whole year, with a nice makeup kit case to boot.
This year, Estee Lauder's holiday gift collection is called the Color Stylist. It's valued at over $340.00, but with any fragrance purchase (my personal favorite is their classic "Beautiful",) you can buy it for $57.50.  It includes 30 colors, makeup brushes, eyeliner, mascara, eye makeup remover, a matching red makeup tote and bag, three lipticks and two lip glosses.
If Estee Lauder isn't your favorite, try Lancome's holiday gift, the limited edition Beauty Box.  Valued at 300.00, this set, which comes with an adorable black tote, is available for 57.50 with any Lancome purchase.  This one comes with your choice of cool plum tones or warm bronze tones.  13 full size beauty essentials in a lovely train case.  My suggestion for your purchase would be their gift set of 6 "Dazzling" Juicy Tubes, brightly colored lipglosses that wear beautifully for day to day makeup.
These gifts are only available for a limited time during the holidays, so pick one up next time you hit the mall.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Good tool for choosing a charity

There are billions of good causes in the world. I wish I could give to all of them, but because I can't I try to choose carefully where I donate. When researching micro loan organizations, I found - - to be highly useful. They give you multiple ways to evaluate organizations and include user comments which I found to be insightful.

I liked charitynavigator so much that I donated to it.

I believe America is full of good, generous people and a way to bring blessings and good karma into our lives to to turn outward. Happy holidays!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Boxes of Beauty

My latest and greatest online find is a little operation called Birchbox--and it's brilliant.  For a $10 a month fee, Birchbox sends you three deluxe samples of cosmetics, skin care, and beauty products, once a month.  You can also receive a discounted yearly subscription for $110.00.  Birchbox specializes in high end beauty brands like Stila and NARS, so you know when those samples are delivered to your door each month, it's going to be good quality.  The fun thing about Birchbox is that each month, your samples are picked for you--meaning it's like a mini-Christmas present once a month in your own mailbox.  If you don't happen to like a product occasionally, no big deal--the nominal price of 10$ a month makes it easy to enjoy the ones you like, and discard the ones you don't without any buyers remorse.  There are options to pay month-to--month, in increments of several months apart as gifts, or a yearly subscription.  Of course, Birchbox also has full size products you can also purchase for an additional price.
Visit for more information.

Monday, December 12, 2011

agift2africa Gives Back

Are you looking for a Christmas gift that also gives back? Look no further than Salt Lake City's This company was started back in 2005 by Sabina Zunguze
with the aim of helping African women develop their businesses and improve their lives. Zunguze, a native of Zimbabwe, employs over 300 women in nearly a dozen African Countries and Peru. She takes their native crafts and creates marketable jewelry, and house wares by choosing colors and styles she knows American and European women will like. She has a wonderful sense of style and everything she sells is handmade and therefore one of a kind. She has a little shop on 800 South and 400 West, but mostly she sells her stunning items from her web site and through museum stores and select gift shops.
Of course everything Zunguze does is fair trade. Fair trade offers artisans and farmers in the developing world — including Africa, Asia and Latin America — a "fair price" for their goods that are exported to industrialized nations in North America, Europe and Australia. The prices are higher than the average prices offered in traditional free trade. Companies that engage in fair trade also seek to ensure that working conditions for the artisans and farmers are safe and healthy and that the methods of farming or production are environmentally sustainable.
"For me, it was all passion," Zunguze says. "I'm not thinking about the business."
For many of the women artisans in Africa, Zunguze has helped raise their income from less than $1 a day to $6 to $8 a day — income that provides three meals for families each day, sends children to school and purchases roofs on buildings.
You can feel the passion when you visit with Sabina and when you give this kind of a gift you know you can actually change lives.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kiva is a great way to give back

Every day I realize that despite whatever personal challenges I'm facing, I live an incredibly privileged life. I feel it's also a duty and a privilege to give back. My family likes to give to worthy causes, and one of my favorite places to give is Kiva, Kiva is a micro loan organization that helps people create sustainable businesses for them, their families and communities. You pick the person or group. You specify the amount. You make the loan. The thing I love the most is seeing what you can achieve with a simple $25 loan. You can join with others around the world to help create a small loan that can make all the difference in a family's life. You see exactly where the money goes.

Friday, December 9, 2011

For the Luxury Lovers...

I love, love, love name brands--but I hesitate to spend money on them regularly, what with having the nuisance of a budget and bills to pay.  Name Droppers of Salt Lake City has an alternative.  It's a consignment shop exclusively for high end, status-label products.  So you can regularly find brands including Dooney and Bourke, Gucci, Fendi, Burberry, Dolce and Gabanna, Chanel, Prada, Ed Hardy, and Alberta Ferretti.  If you love the labels but want to save some money, shop at one of two fun Salt Lake locations;

3355 South Highland Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
(801) 486-1128

2350 East Parley's Way (2100 South)
Salt Lake City, Ut

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Your Monthly Meal Planner

One of my greatest challenges as a mom has been figuring out how to plan meals.  It's not just the amount of time it takes to prepare and cook the meal.  It's figuring out shopping lists, budgeting, and organizing the week of meals for your family.  There are multiple pay-for-subscription sites that offer meal planning complete with shopping lists--I've never been able to bring myself to do that.  But I just found a monthly meal planner that meticulously lays out what you're going to prepare, when you're going to eat it, and how you're going to shop for it.
It's nothing fancy--and that's what I like about it.  No special diet recommendations, no limits on what kinds of foods you'll prepare, and no elaborate web layout.  It's simple and easy.  There is a "weekly snapshot" that lays out what each week will look like.  This week's menu includes chicken brunswick stew with fully loaded biscuits; grandma's sloppy joes, veggies, and dill dip; chicken caccittore with rice; whiskey marinated steak with potatoes and mushroom, cranberry chicken, garlic chicken with artichokes, and bacon pie with pumpkin cobbler.  You have your basic standby's (sloppy joes, chicken soup), some flavorful alternatives (whiskey marinated steak), and some daring changes (bacon pie and pumpkin cobbler).  And I love how the meals suit the time of year.  Pumpkin cobbler is definitely a great autumn/winter dish.
I don't care who you are--any time you can have your work made easier for it, you should definitely take advantage of it.  So start planning your meals with the Monthly Meal Planner today!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Say Thank You this season by making a donation to the Utah Food Bank. They take your $1 donation and turn it into $7 dollars worth of food and services in the fight against hunger. In a nation where we are truly blessed beyond measure, it is frightening to realize how many of our own people go without basics such as food.

The Utah Food Bank makes a wonderful difference. Especially this time of year. You can get involved by running in the Utah Human Race on Thanksgiving Day. The race is held at the Draper Spectrum, November 24th. It includes a fun walk/run, 5K and 10K distances. Pick up a packet November 23rd from 8 am to 8 pm at the Utah Food Bank., located at 3150 S. 900 West, Salt Lake City, UT. Or you can making a donation at area grocery stores, or even make donations in lieu of gifts to clients and friends.

High School Student Body Officers from the Sandy area made a difference today by participating in a pie eating contest for the Utah Food Bank sponsored by Village in Inn and KUTV.

The Holiday Food Drive runs from October 15th to January 15th

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Looking for something to read? Try GoodReads.

If you've already read everything by your favorite authors and don't know what to read next, try Goodreads ( It's a place where you can share ideas and tap into tons of book lists and recommendations from friends and family to top picks from the general populace.

You can keep track of books you've read and share your ratings with others. You can create your own login or login with Facebook and other social sites logins. I like that I can see what my friends recommend. I also like that I can sort lists by genre, author, etc.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Benihana Sushi For Two

Benihana's Salt Lake City location is ideal, especially this time of year.  Over the weekend, after attending a matinee performance of Ballet West's "The Nutcracker," my date and I stepped immediately next door to Benihana.  Their current "Sushi For Two" deal, at a price of 26.00, is a steal.  If you are a fan of good Sushi, you can appreciate what a great price this is.  It includes Miso soup, Benihana's house salad, edamame, one California Roll, and your choice of 6 other half rolls.  This amounts to a lot of food.  More than two can reasonably eat--which means you get a ton of variety and are more than satisfied by the time you leave.
Aside from the great price, there's a distinct benefit to having sushi instead of Benihana's signature large table/cook-it-right-in-front-of-you setting.  It's incredibly crowded to do so.  Benihana's upstairs, especially on the weekends, it's near madness.  Long waits and huge crowds.  However, the Sushi For Two special is only available in the lounge and sushi bar area, which is located downstairs.  And it's incredibly quiet and low-key.  For whatever reason, the large table settings are the major draw.  So while chaos and waiting ensues upstairs, you can enjoy a quiet atmosphere downstairs along with excellent sushi at a great price.

165 S West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Phone: 801-322-2421

Friday, December 2, 2011 for kitschy Christmas gifts

The current incarnation of has only been around since June.  But this style and design retail site is hands down the coolest on the web.  You simply won't believe some of the crazy and fun gift items you can find here.  Most of them are not terribly useful, but incredibly hip.  
One product, announced this morning, that I want like nothing else, is the vintage rejuvenated typewriter.  Made by Kasbah Mod, they are beautifully restored, one of a kind, custom painted and artist styled machines.  The most coveted, in my mind, is the 24 kt gold plated "Double Oh-Seven."  Absolutely killer design piece for any writer.  
Visit for details on how to get a free membership to their site and access to their exclusive deals.  Poring through their emails every morning is something I genuinely look forward to.  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Entertainment For the Whole Family This Christmas

There are very few attractions in Utah that are as accessible as Hogle Zoo. Consider this one fact: It's open every single day, besides Christmas and New Years. That may come as a surprise, given that the zoo tends to be a summer activity in the public's mind. Hogle Zoo, however, makes it's animal friends available to the public even during the holidays. Zoo Lights! is a newer attraction there, and runs from December 3rd through December 31st. The hours are Sunday-Wednesday, 5:30-8 P.M., and Thursday-Saturday, 5:30-9:00 PM.
If you want to make an extra special outing of it, bundle up and join the zoo on December 3rd to help switch on the lights--Santa will be there to kick of the 5th official year of the popular outdoor attraction. Also, in the Entry Plaza, there will be a "reindeer parade" each evening at 5:40 PM. 2 of Santa's reindeer will head to Santa's Station, and then Santa will be available to visit. In addition, nightly entertainment, including an Eco-Explorer Station, Ornament craft night, Ice Carving, and Carolers will be rotating during the month.
Follow the link below for more information on Zoo Lights, including ticket prices.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tai Pan Trading Art Gallery Closing

Tai Pan Trading is the premier spot to go for design in Utah.  Crafts, art, woodwork, and holiday design fills the warehouse, and it's a delight to wander, especially at Christmas.  We'll likely revisit that soon.  What caught my idea today on my lunch break, though, was the Twiggs and Moore Art Gallery, located near the back and toward the middle of the store.  It's partitioned off from the rest of the store, and features mostly religious artwork in limited edition ciglee prints.  Twiggs and Moore at Tai Pan's 90th South location in Sandy is currently selling off much of their artwork, as the gallery will be closing at the end of December.
Here's the part where it gets really good:  world renowned painter James C Christensen, a Utah native, is my favorite living artist.  Many of his works, signed and numbered, are offered at steep discounts in the gallery.  And, I just couldn't resist.  I purchased a framed, numbered, and signed ciglee entitled "Angel With Epaulet."  This beautiful but intricate old-world style print with high-end framing was normally priced at 495.00.  I took it home for 199.00.  For art lovers, and Christensen lovers, truly, this is a steal.   Stop in while you still have a chance.  The gallery location at this Tai Pan closes at the end of the month.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Secret Garden

I had my only daughter nearly thirteen years ago. And I have only, in the last year or two, been able to keep myself from repeatedly committing retail suicide at the lovely and sophisticated children's wear store, The Secret Garden. It's located inside Trolley Square, which on it's own has a great atmosphere. But the Secret Garden has remained my hands-down favorite corner of the mall. It's upscale appeal is completely irresistible. Who doesn't want to clothe their baby princess, head to foot, in lush velvets or pastel satins, or tiny, victorian-style buttoned shoes? Who doesn't want their little guy decked out in an old-fashioned sailor outfit? Before he gets too old to tolerate such motherly silliness? Who doesn't want their child to look like divine infant royalty--at least every once in a while.
I've indulged at The Secret Garden for occasions including weddings, religious ceremonies, Easters, and portraiture. And even though my children have grown out of the clothing much too quickly, I've never been sorry for a moment. You just aren't going to find the selection of fine children's clothing carried at the Secret Garden at any other Salt Lake location.
In addition to the clothing, they carry some enchanting furniture and gift items. Guilded pirate chest for your little man, anyone? Hand-painted potty chairs? Detailed ceramic baby tooth boxes? They've been seen at The Secret Garden.
If you have a little one, don't let the years pass too quickly without splurging at least once on a tiny piece of retail heaven. It's worth it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

North Pole Express--Departing for Christmas Fun!

The historic Heber Valley Railroad is a rare commodity.  There just aren't many left in the U.S.  But Heber Valley Railroad thrives.  And they have a whimsical tradition that children and adults of all ages just can't resist.  The North Pole Express consists of a ride through the snow-covered Heber Valley, hot cocoa and cookies, Christmas music, and beautiful decorations.  When the train reaches the "North Pole," Santa Clause boards the train to visit the children onboard.  The best part:  Children are encouraged to wear their pajamas for this fun event.
My little boy absolutely adores trains.  We will be taking our little family this year, next year, and many years to come.
The North Pole Express departs starting November 25th, and runs through the 23rd of December.  There are first class tickets and regular tickets.  First class passengers receive a souvenir ticket, hot cocoa with whipped cream in a souvenir mug, and a special gift from Santa Clause.  Prices and more specific times can be found at the link below.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Give Back This Thanksgiving

The Rescue Mission of Salt Lake City feeds countless homeless and underprivileged individuals and families each year, and provides them with basic necessities, including razors, socks, and coats.  This year, the Salt Lake Rescue Mission served more meals than ever before.  Demand was so high in the summer, that their shelves are bare for the holidays.  Which makes it difficult for the organization to provide a good Thanksgiving meal to the less fortunate of Salt Lake.
For just 97 cents, locals can help feed one underprivileged soul in Utah on Thanksgiving day.  The Rescue Mission believes that sometimes, a good meal given to a hungry person can help start them on the road to recovery.  Click on the link below to donate to the Rescue Mission.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Vouchers--A Great Way to Save on Your Celebration

Starting in the autumn, Macey's grocery stores across the state give out 50 cent turkey vouchers for every $25.00 spent at the store.  This can add up big savings on your big bird for the upcoming family gatherings.  Each year, simply collect them in your wallet as you check out with your groceries.  By the time you're ready for the big day, you can cash in on the savings.  If you choose not to use your turkey vouchers, they will just be wasted--so consider donating them to one of several groups that collect them for needy families, thus providing them with a Thanksgiving turkey as well.  
As you are preparing your turkey, consider the possibility of frying it outdoors.  This CAN be dangerous, but if the proper safety precautions are taken, it makes an exceptionally delicious way to cook the bird, trapping in the juices and crisping the shell to a golden brown.  And the top benefit, in my mind, is how quickly you can cook it. has an excellent video and accompanying article on safely frying a turkey.  Check it out:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Don't Wait Around at the Dealer

At our business, we live by the saying, "It's easy to get into things, and it's hard to get out of things."

When it comes time to negotiate with an auto dealer you'll find that the sales person inexplicably disappears at a critical point in the discussion, often to "check in" with their sales manager. Then you'll find yourself sitting around for 20 minutes wondering what happened. This is an old tactic employing the "sunk cost" philosophy that the more time you spend at the dealership the more likely you'll be to go ahead with the deal. If my sales person isn't back in 2 minutes I just walk out. Also, never let them take your car keys, even if it's to check out your car for trade-in purposes. And never, never sign anything until you've agreed upon a price and gone over the contract with a fine-toothed comb. Of course there are plenty of good, ethical car dealers, but the industry still tends to employ high-pressure sales tactics.

You'd be surprised how many people buy things that aren't a good deal because they don't want to offend a sales person or just want to get the whole thing over with.

Remember, you are not under any obligation to purchase anything, even if someone has spent a lot of time with you. Do your homework and negotiate hard for a fair price. These are good tips for dealing with any type of sales situation.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Get Rid of Dishwasher Spots

Kathy and I stumbled across an easy way to get rid of hard water spots on dishes in the dishwasher. We add a few tablespoons of white vinegar to the dishwasher when we add the soap and start the dishwasher. Just put it in the bottom of the dishwasher - don't mix with the soap.

We've heard of people running an empty dishwasher through a whole cycle with a cup of vinegar and other variations like adding vinegar to the rinse cycle as a way of removing soap residue in the dishwasher itself. But this is convenient and works great all the time.

We discovered this after Cascade quit working as well. We had heard that by law dishwasher soap formulas were changed (not sure if that's true). Now we use the cheap detergent (Sun) and get the cleanest, clearest dishes ever.

Pirate O's, Draper's Secret Treasure

There aren't very many off-the-beaten path stores in the Salt Lake Valley.  Even fewer that offer specialty, gourmet, and foreign foods.  Pirate-O's, a great little shop with a front porch, says they are "where food memories begin."  This is where you are going to find celebratory foods you can't find anywhere else--marzipan pigs, German christmas cookies, caviar, cheeses, foie gras, etc.
They make beautiful gift baskets for the holidays, full of fresh sauces, salsas, dips, chocolates, crackers, cheeses, etc.  They have a deli where you can get delicious hot and cold sandwiches during the day.  And their holiday spread of international chocolates, nuts, and other goodies is always to-die-for.
I always take time to hit the refrigerated room set aside just for gourmet sodas and cheeses.
Check their website, but don't stop there--it just doesn't do justice to the store.  Visit before Thanksgiving.

Pirate O's Gourmet Market
11901 S. 700 E.
Draper, UT 84020

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Escape Options for the holidays

Even the best of families grow weary of spending an entire day preparing, cooking, and cleaning up after appetizers, dinners, and desserts on Thanksgiving.  But you still have time to escape, at least for one year--
Little America Hotel is known for it's sumptuous Thanksgiving Day Buffet in the Grand Ballroom.  It's served from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Salt Lake City location.  The menu includes everything on the traditional Thanksgiving menu, plus exquisite extras:  steamed crab legs, poached salmon, stuffed port legs, and prime rib.  The entire Brunch menu for 2011 can be found here:
The charge is 39.00 for adults, 18.00 for children, and ages four and under dine free.
Traditional thanksgiving foods will also be served in the Little America Dining room and Coffee Shop.
If you want to make it a weekend, Little America also offers reasonable per-room rates, so you can spend the holiday enjoying downtown Salt Lake City.
For more information about holiday fun at the Little America, including Christmas celebration events, check

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lolabella Boutique

Watch it, fellas.  We're treading into dark territory for some of you, here.  Lolabella (located in Fashion Place Mall in Murray and the Gateway in Salt Lake City) is the kind of small, high-end boho-chic boutique that you can spend a lot of money at on a casual Saturday date.  Because everything is just so unique, so hip, and so flattering.
What I'm trying to say, ever so awkwardly, is that this is the kind of place you probably want to save up for on special occasions.  While Lolabella does have great sales, and fairly often, the inventory is definitely upscale.  I'll be the first to admit loving a pair of really great jeans, though.  You pay significantly more up front, but they last longer, look better, and fit more comfortably.
In the past, I've bought denim brands here including Deisel, True Religion, and Seven For All Mankind.  And my three absolutely favorite fitted collar shirts by designer James Perse also came from Lolabella.  Keep your eye on the jewelry selection.  Some of it is hippie-style, some more glamorous.  But even when I don't buy, I love poring over the cuff-style bracelets, exposed clock necklaces, fat rings, and eclectic hats.  I don't mind pointing out that I am currently the "mayor" of Lolabella boutique at Fashion Place mall on Foursquare.  Because even when I'm not in a position to buy, I still stop in religiously.  And with the holidays around the corner, and beautiful, whimsical women in your life, you should, too :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eating Out, and Making it Worthwhile is our latest and greatest find for restaurant discounts in the valley.  Click on the link  for free gelato at Dolcetti, two for one offers at Marble Slab Creamery, discounts on steak at Madeline's (one of my own favorites--try the best creme brulee in town while you're there); discounts to Braza Brazilian Steakhouse; and coupons from Mountain Mike's Pizza. has already proven to be a great find.  We will be visiting them regularly for discounts at some of the valley's nicest and varied places to dine.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Beginning of the Week--Time for Groceries

It's the beginning of a chilly winter week, and time for you to stock up on groceries for the family.  Harmons has some great deals on groceries, and you can find the up-to-date list of them at  See below for up to 40% off items at Harmons for the week of November 14th, including organic apples, convenient bagged salads, sausage, chocolate milk, and Da Vinci pastas.  Looking forward to the holiday, they have Thanksgiving items like cranberries, spiral sliced ham,  yams, turkey, and 7-Up products on steep discounts as well.

Harmons is one of my favorite local grocery chains.  They have an exceptional selection of steaming hot homestyle dinner foods for those days that you don't feel like cooking, but don't want to feed the kids cheeseburgers.  And their deli is second to none.  A smorgasbord of international cheeses and meats can make your holiday get-togethers really fun to plan and lay out.

...And this is JUST the blue cheese section.  Yum! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Flashback to Blockbuster

In a market now dominated by instant gratification, it's hard not to think nostalgically back to the simple pleasure of browsing the video store on a weekend night.  Netflix and Redbox have their appeal, to be sure.  Still, I'm glad Blockbuster is still around, and I can still walk in and peruse the aisles lazily to see what might be interesting.
The Wasatch Front still has several locations available.  They can be found at  They also have a great deal that allows you to  have the best of both worlds.  The Blockbuster Combo Pass allows unlimited in-store movie and game rentals.  You get one disc out at a time, 1 by-mail rental per month, and no due dates.  It's just 7.49 for the first month, and 14.99/month after that.  Whether or not you take advantage of the Combo Pass, make sure you stop in and browse the DVD and Blu-Ray selection at Blockbuster this weekend.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sink Into a Couch At Bakery and Brews

Nothing is more comforting than a quiet coffee shop on a November evening.  I discovered Bakery and Brews just as dusk was falling after my harp lesson.  I had stopped at Smith's on about 5300 South and 600 West for some oil for my car (another, considerably more pathetic, story), and as I was heading to my car, I noticed the warm glow emanating from Bakery and Brews.
Mmmm, a sandwich and Chai tea, I think.  Perfect.  I am immediately taken with Bakery and Brews, based simply on the atmosphere.  Beautifully decorated, neat, and exceptionally cozy.
The place is pretty much empty, and it looks like Les, the owner, and his wife and cook, Jackie, are getting ready to pack up.  Still, I am invited in warmly and enthusiastically, and as I peruse the menu, I notice their beautiful, wide-eyed 4-year-old daughter contentedly playing a video game behind the counter.  Les explains that they are just getting ready to deliver an elaborate cake for an anniversary celebration.  Layer upon layer, it is--but what stands out to me is the part where there is a tier of Bavarian cream.  He has my full and complete attention at Bavarian Cream.  He explains the menu to me, and as he does so, the subtle but proud South American decor starts to sink in. Soccer teams, flags, international "welcome" signs.  All this is blended perfectly with a Parisian coffee shop/American hangout vibe.  Ridiculously inviting couches line the north wall, with a big screen tv, stacks of South American books, and a fireplace.  I am already a loyal customer, though I try to remain ambiguous as Les explains that most people go for the "gringo" sandwiches and bakery goods, but the South American food is excellent and varied.  So I settle on a Uruguay beef empanada, a hot cup of chicken and vegetable soup (big chunks of fresh vegetables and chicken), a half a Milanesa steak sandwich, and a piping hot Chai tea.  I settle into the couch and put my stoneware dishes on the coffee table while Les sends his little girl over, who very carefully and congenially places the empanada on the table as well.   Les turns on the fireplace and entertains me with tales of crowded "open mic" nights, unbelievable homestyle South American dishes his wife prepares daily, and the struggles of keeping a beautiful, quality business like his afloat. As I sample the food, and become pleasantly stuffed, I assure Les that I am already a loyal customer, and inwardly look forward to cold winter evenings at Bakery and Brews with a book and some perfect new menu choice.  
Les and Jackie are there from early morning, for breakfast and coffee, to evening, for dinners and dessert pastries.  Visit their sites below for more information, dates of musical performances, and menu selections.  Very few local business deserve customers more than Bakery and Brews--for their quality of service, their warmth, their homestyle food, their unique concept, and their perfect location, just off the freeway at 53rd south.  I'll be back soon.
Bakery and Brews 
625 w. 5300 so.  Murray, UT 84123
(801) 290-2958