When it comes time to negotiate with an auto dealer you'll find that the sales person inexplicably disappears at a critical point in the discussion, often to "check in" with their sales manager. Then you'll find yourself sitting around for 20 minutes wondering what happened. This is an old tactic employing the "sunk cost" philosophy that the more time you spend at the dealership the more likely you'll be to go ahead with the deal. If my sales person isn't back in 2 minutes I just walk out. Also, never let them take your car keys, even if it's to check out your car for trade-in purposes. And never, never sign anything until you've agreed upon a price and gone over the contract with a fine-toothed comb. Of course there are plenty of good, ethical car dealers, but the industry still tends to employ high-pressure sales tactics.
You'd be surprised how many people buy things that aren't a good deal because they don't want to offend a sales person or just want to get the whole thing over with.
Remember, you are not under any obligation to purchase anything, even if someone has spent a lot of time with you. Do your homework and negotiate hard for a fair price. These are good tips for dealing with any type of sales situation.
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