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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Vouchers--A Great Way to Save on Your Celebration

Starting in the autumn, Macey's grocery stores across the state give out 50 cent turkey vouchers for every $25.00 spent at the store.  This can add up big savings on your big bird for the upcoming family gatherings.  Each year, simply collect them in your wallet as you check out with your groceries.  By the time you're ready for the big day, you can cash in on the savings.  If you choose not to use your turkey vouchers, they will just be wasted--so consider donating them to one of several groups that collect them for needy families, thus providing them with a Thanksgiving turkey as well.  
As you are preparing your turkey, consider the possibility of frying it outdoors.  This CAN be dangerous, but if the proper safety precautions are taken, it makes an exceptionally delicious way to cook the bird, trapping in the juices and crisping the shell to a golden brown.  And the top benefit, in my mind, is how quickly you can cook it. has an excellent video and accompanying article on safely frying a turkey.  Check it out:


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