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Monday, November 28, 2011

North Pole Express--Departing for Christmas Fun!

The historic Heber Valley Railroad is a rare commodity.  There just aren't many left in the U.S.  But Heber Valley Railroad thrives.  And they have a whimsical tradition that children and adults of all ages just can't resist.  The North Pole Express consists of a ride through the snow-covered Heber Valley, hot cocoa and cookies, Christmas music, and beautiful decorations.  When the train reaches the "North Pole," Santa Clause boards the train to visit the children onboard.  The best part:  Children are encouraged to wear their pajamas for this fun event.
My little boy absolutely adores trains.  We will be taking our little family this year, next year, and many years to come.
The North Pole Express departs starting November 25th, and runs through the 23rd of December.  There are first class tickets and regular tickets.  First class passengers receive a souvenir ticket, hot cocoa with whipped cream in a souvenir mug, and a special gift from Santa Clause.  Prices and more specific times can be found at the link below.


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