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Monday, November 7, 2011

Zahra Charity

Yes, this is a consumer site.  But we at Cohezion have causes we believe in, too.  Utah-based non-profit Zahra Charity (ZC) is one of them.  The primary purpose of the organization is to build a specialized Neuro-rehabilitation center (called the Moulay Ali Institute for Rehabilitation, or MAIR), in Marrakech City, Morocco.  It's goal is to repair the severe lack of Neuro-rehabilitation care in Morocco.  Both children and adults with neurological disabilities caused by traumatic brain injury, stroke, and spinal cord injuries in Morocco need care, and ZC's goal is to build up a medical base and facilities that will care for them.
Through charity events and other means, Zahra charity aims to make the world, and Morocco, a much kinder place for people who suffer from neurological problems and/or disabilities.
Please visit them at, and watch our blog for more updates on some spectacular events that will take place in the near future.
For direct donations, you can also visit them at


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