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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chicago Dogs in Salt Lake City--Yum!

One of Salt Lake's best little eateries makes it's home at a Texaco station. You heard right. A Texaco station. And if I need gas at lunchtime and there are ten nearby gas stations, guess which one I'm going to head for? The one with the KILLER hot dog restaurant. Johnnie Beef's is one of Utah unique small businesses that has gained both traction and local fame for it's authentic pure beef Chicago dogs, Italian beef, bratwurst, and shakes. The food is so good, in fact, that it's transcended it's status as an appendage of Texaco and pretty much overshadowed everything around it. Who wants a couple of dry powdered donuts or a Monster drink, for example, when you can have a "Chicah-gee dawg," as Johnnie himself would loudly call it as he fixes it for you.
The part we'd really like to call attention to on Johnnie Beef's doesn't have anything to do with deals or discounts. Johnnie Beef's is just good. That's all. It's notable because of the high quality of a product that is generally considered to be painfully pedestrian.
It's 10 AM and I'd like one now. Is that gross? I don't know, and I don't care. We heart you, Johnnie Beef's!

7360 S. Union Park
Midvale, Utah 84047
(801) 352-0372
(Inside the Texaco Station at the In & Out Market)


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