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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Groupon Deal: Portraiture at JCPenny for a Killer Price

I have to hand it to  I can't believe it's taken me this long to figure it out.  Their latest deal is something I won't be turning down:  $40.00 for enhanced portrait package at Salt Lake JCPenney Portraits locations.  For the nominal fee of 40 bucks, you get:

  • Six single-image enhanced portrait sheets, 10”x13” or smaller
  • One Be Squared portrait, 10”x10” or smaller
  • One single-image CD
  • Standard sitting fees for all subjects in the photoshoot are waived
  • 40% off additional purchases of portrait sheets, greeting cards, collages, posters, or enlargements made that day

That's a $209.89 value, families of Utah.  So if you have beautiful kids (and we all know you do,) this is something you really don't want to miss out on.
Here's the catch:  You need to login to groupon with an email address and location (can't get any easier than that).  Catch #2:  you can only buy it for two for days, and the quantity available is limited.  So move! move! move! move! move!  I'm buying one myself.  Don't make me leave you in the cold on this one :)


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