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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Miss the Newspaper Days?

As a former journalist, I truly and sincerely mourn the steady decline of newspaper sales in Utah.  Journalism is a hallmark of the American tradition of free speech and a traditional forum for the sharing of opinions, ideas, and local events.  In short, it's an institution.  And in spite of the internet's all-powerful reach, I believe print media still deserves a strong position in our world.  Think about it:  subscribing to a tangible newspaper says something about you, your lifestyle, what's important to you.  It can mean a daily routine that helps you keep abreast of what's happening, stimulate your mind, and help you form ideas.  And it tells your children, neighbors, friends--anyone who spends time in your home--that you care about what's happening in the world, and that you support the idea of serious journalism, as opposed to the "white noise" of the amateur blogosphere online.
Utah's two largest newspapers, The Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune, are both morning papers.  You can subscribe for a daily edition or a weekend package, which includes Friday, Saturday, and Sunday papers.  The link to subscribe to either of the Media One papers is
There are several other papers to consider, as well.  The Ogden Standard-Examiner, The Provo Daily Herald, and the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin are all options that might make sense, depending on the location of your residence or workplace.
Whatever your situation, please consider making the newspaper a regular part of your life again.  It's a good thing :)


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